Wednesday, July 10, 2013

iPad review, one year later: I Still Love My iPad

I’m Truly, Madly, Deeply in love with my iPad.  Over one year after its purchase and pretty heavy use, it still looks as good as new.  

A year ago, I spent countless hours at Best Buy stores trying to convince myself that I could do with an Android tablet (which started off at half the price of an iPad) but despite all the Samesungs, Kindles, Asuses and Acers, everything led me back to the iPad.  I must also mention my sincerest thanks to the Best Buy employees for not throwing me out after days and days of me just fiddling around with the tablets and not buying anything....before I finally bought the iPad from them, that is.... :)

Here are things I really like about the iPad 2...
  1. The build quality - Unmatched, it just feels sturdy and the overall design is gorgeous.  It’s undergone really heavy use in my house but still looks like new.  Part of the credit goes to the Snugg case which provides very good protection all around the tablet....
  2. The screen is excellent!  Great viewing angles, good brightness and colours.  I just wish they could turn down the reflections a bit.
  3. It’s simple to use, even my kids use it without any problems.  It’s also got a lot of good software for kids like drawing, painting, storybooks, movies and also games.
  4. It doesn’t hang.  I have never had to reset the iPad due to some misbehaving program, only close the app.  (On my Android phone, I have to reset it once in a while because it just doesn’t respond)
  5. Multitouch gestures - I especially love the four finger swipe to change between apps!  It’s just like turning pages, except you are actually “turning" apps..
  6. I can use it for work as well thanks to iWork, Dropbox and also read my PDFs.
  7. My wife has stopped using our desktop and uses the iPad exclusively...
  8. The battery supposedly can be charged about 1000 times.  On the average, I charge every 3 days, so that means 3000 days of use (That’s over 8 years of usage provided that other components don’t fail!!!)
  9. Great for looking at photos (from iCloud and Dropbox) and movies and videos.
  10. Instant on! Easy to pick up, so the laptop gets used only when heavy typing or multitasking needs to be done.
  11. It downloads programs and updates even when when it’s screen is turned off and it is asleep.  So you can download a game or updates overnight and have it ready in the morning, without much battery loss...This has been incorporated into newer Macs as Power Nap...
  12. Stable and secure.  I feel very unsafe with some Android apps and wonder whether the Google Play store regulates some of these apps.  Do you read the terms and conditions on some of the Android apps??  Man, it seems that they’re going to steal and use all my personal information...I’d rather have a closed system tightly regulated by Apple to make sure the apps I download won’t steal my credit card number!!!
  13. Sure, it’s a giant iPhone, but that’s the beauty of it.  Try reading multiple documents and PDFs on an iPhone and you’ll end up getting a migraine.  On an iPad, it’s just fine...
  14. It started off as being an unnecessary luxury but now it has become an indispensable device for all of us.  My wife says I love the iPad more than her....I say, “Better the iPad than another woman"

Retina resolution is well and good, but I really don’t need it at the distance I read and it’s kind of overkill for such a small screen which doesn’t put two windows side by side....

In the end, let me rephrase my title.  We all love the iPad!  At least, my iFamily in my iHouse...