Saturday, July 6, 2013

On Being an iSheep...

I’m proud to be an iSheep.  There, I said it, loud and clear!  And I’m sure there are millions of people like me all around the world..

But I’m not an iSheep because Apple brings out a new product and says it’s good for me.  I’m an iSheep because I’ve TRIED OUT other alternatives, and realized that this is the best device/ software for me.  Everything from the design to the hardware and software is admirable, and that is why I’m such a Rabid Fan of Apple.  Are the products perfect?  No!  But they’re the closest things to ideal of all the different products I’ve tried...

Let’s start with the design.  Whether you are a fAndroid or Windows fan, you have to give Apple credit for their terrific design sense.  Why else would so many manufacturers (Barring probably Sony and Lenovo) copy, or should I say clone, Apple’s designs, whether they are desktops, laptops, phones or software?...Yes, I’m looking at you, Samesung...Sure, your products are great, but you ain’t winning any awards for innovative design, because you really actually stole design plans from Apple while you were manufacturing chips for them, you backstabbers, bite-the-hand-that-feeds-ers!!!

The Apple tax is another myth these days.  Yes, sure, Apple products are somewhat more expensive initially, but the overall value for money and longetivity are simply unmatched.  My wife’s iPod Shuffle has been used regularly for the past seven years and it SIMPLY WON’T DIE!  And these days, even the prices  for Apple tablets, computers and phones seem comparable to similar specced Windows or Android products. 

The software, I’ve already discussed at length in my previous posts, both the OS X side and the iOS side.  What helps in binding these two operating systems is iCloud which seems clunky at first (and Apple does need to work on it more) but as I use my iPad and Macbook together, it helps maintain a sense of cohesiveness between the two operating system and makes it feel as one.  The whole ecosystem is beginning to gel together very well.  And with the implementation of iWork on iCloud, Apple has finally got a product which will compete very well with Google Docs and Microsoft SkyDrive Office... High time!  Also, I can’t wait to try iTunes Radio as well.  A complete ecosystem..

THANK YOU APPLE, Thank you Steve Jobs, Johnny Ive, both the Craigs (Forstall and Federighi).  Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart for all that you’ve given to the world.  Your designs, your computers, your softwares, and electronic devices have inspired many manufacturers to improve and think outside the box, and given us the consumers, better choices and better devices, whether Apple or otherwise.  We, the iSheep, love your products and hope you keep bringing out innovative and well-designed products like you have done through the years.  We don’t mind spending our iMoney on such great quality products.

If being an iSheep means getting to use great computers, electronic devices and software, then count me in!  Baa  Baaa or should I say “iBaa  iBaaa"